Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Busy autumn

It occurs to me that I've been neglectful of my poor blog. Never fear ; however, for I am back and ready to write again. And I'm still a dork. Hehe.
Autumn is a very busy time of year for the Ladybug family. Superboy and HRH both have their birthdays as do Superman's trusty sidekick the Waibel and my sister D. Actually there are a TON of birthdays in the family during autumn.  Those are just some of the main ones. In addition to birthdays we have the beginning of school for the boys, vacation time for Superman, and a baby shower for my bestie, JSmitty.
Phew! That makes me just tired thinking about it. With SB's birthday finished and HRH's fast approaching, I've been in serious party mode.  She has tons of new outfits just waiting to be wrapped. Also, I started on her princess costume (not that she isn't already a princess) for both trick-or-treat and her birthday party.  We are doing a costume party seeing as how she's our little Halloween baby. 
I've also been working on my crochet in order to make some money for Christmas. Thanks to the wonderful mind of the bestie, I'm getting somewhere in my efforts. Nothing sold as of yet but I've made some nice things.
A mustachioed cup cozy

and a dress just for Barbie
I also made a Santa hat just for JSmitty's little bundle due in December.
Things aren't looking to slow down again until well after the end of the year. I'm looking forward to the hustle of the season. A time for me to get my behind in gear and keep up with my blog, my crochet, and my reading. All things I need to do for myself.
If you are looking for your very own Ladybug Inspiration item or have an idea for an item you'd like made, please feel free to contact me via email. Or via my Facebook page.

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