Friday, September 28, 2012

DIY Barbie art

I've had several little projects going at once and thought I'd share one of my simpler ones.
We all know those data pages that come with your photos, right? You know the ones that have the teeny tiny picture of the prints you ordered. Well, while cleaning out my papers I found several of these from a recent Shutterfly ( Love their prints!) order.  Now I despise getting rid of anything with my precious babes on it. I mean how can I throw away such beautiful faces?
It then dawned on me. Barbie needs a photo album! I mean how cute would it be to have HRH's brothers hanging on her dollhouse wall? HRH is not quite to the fashion doll stage so this is of course a project for far in the future use for my little one, but I'm happy to share my light bulb with all of you.
What you'll need:
Teeny tiny picture thingy (Yes, thingy is a very technical term. ha ha)
Photo friendly glue/ mod podge
Card stock
Toothpicks for frame optional
Depending on what type of art you what to create for your doll, you can use a frame or string the pictures together with a small sewing needle.
I chose to leave mine unframed at the moment. It makes it easier for storage.
Step 1:  Cut each picture neatly. You can leave a small bit of the white for a "mat" around the picture. Remember this is all artistic and to your taste. Have fun with it!
Step 2:  Use your friendly glue to tack photos to the card stock.
Step 3: Allow to dry. Depending on the type of glue (I used Elmer's school glue) the time can vary. Mine took about 20 minutes. Throw in some laundry or dishes. Do your nails.
Step 4: Cut the pictures out of the card stock.
You can be finished here. If you want to frame it you can go on to step 5.
Step 5:  Trim the pointy end off of the toothpicks. I used scissors but I recommend using an exacto knife or snips.  There were flying bits of toothpicks all across my kitchen. The upside? Photoboy and HRH were in stitches!
Step 6: Hot glue or glue tooth picks into a frame shape and attach to picture.
Voila! Art for Barbie. I'm sure there are other uses for these tiny little pictures. Maybe in model houses and towns. The sky is the limit. Enjoy!
*I am sorry for the lack of photos for this tutorial.  Silly me didn't think to do this until AFTER I'd already put the teeny pics into storage along with HRH's dolls I plan on giving her. Please feel free to share pics if you decide to do this. I'll post them to your credit on my DIY page. *

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