Friday, November 9, 2012

At Wit's End

As we draw closer and closer to the one week mark of my husband's absence, I feel myself slipping a bit.  I'm completely at wit's end and have no idea as to how to fix it.  There are a couple of options but neither are appealing. Option one : mother-in-law comes to stay with me. Nope not happening! That's just as bad as having another child thrown in the mix. Option two: pull all my hair out and run screaming through the neighborhood. I'm pretty fond of my hair so I think I'll pass.
Truly I only have one option and that is to endure. All jokes aside this has been a very tough time for me and the kiddos.  Generally somewhere I get a break. Whether it's hubby coming home or the kids being in school. Superboy has been home sick pretty much all week while Photoboy has had a couple days off from preschool.  HRH is getting a new tooth and is quite unhappy that her daddy is nowhere to be found.  How do single mother's do it??? Or military spouses??? I can't imagine my husband being gone longer than the projected two weeks. My heart goes out to them.
Most times I get at least one kid free day a month. That hasn't happened in nearly two months. Between family being unable to help and sickness there's been no support or help. It's just me and the three kiddos. Going into this whole mess of storm work I was already spread thinly. Now I'm pretty sure I've been wearing my crazy hat for the past few days.
SB thinks its funny to repeat things over and over as if I didn't hear him the first hundred times and PB.....well PB is in that lovely four year old "I don't want..." stage. It doesn't help that he gets his stubbornness from his mama. 
Phew! I feel just a tad  better now. I'm sorry for the kind of rant like post. I promise I'll be more coherent soon. Ta ta for now

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