Friday, November 2, 2012

The Wife of a Tree Worker

Sitting here with HRH eating breakfast and the boys playing, I try to prepare myself for a very long couple of weeks.  You see, my husband is a line clearance technician a.k.a. a tree trimmer for the power company.  With Hurricane Sandy's destruction, I knew it was only a matter of time until he was called out to help those in need. I still find myself selfishly wanting to ask him not to go.
Tomorrow is HRH's first birthday party and even though she'll never remember he wasn't there, I will. We are big on firsts in this family. Thankfully, by some weird fluke he overslept on her birthday and got to spend the entire day with us.  I'll be taping her party for him to watch later. Also, we'll be doing something extra special when he gets home.  I'm hoping with all the extra crews they get the situation resolved quickly.
Sleep is going to be a hard thing to come by in the following weeks. Without him by my side, I toss and turn constantly. The kids even sleep a little worse when he's away. Almost as if they sense my restlessness.
To all those effected by the hurricane, I hope you are all okay and get power back soon. Take care of my darling husband. I'm kind of attached to him.

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