Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving Injury

Thanksgiving was interesting to say the least.  My little family and I went to visit with my grandmother for our usual shindig.  Superboy decided that it's not a holiday without an injury.  While playing football with my 13 year old cousin, he fell and broke his arm.  It was a stressful day from then on out.
Superman took him into the local ER while I stayed with HRH and Photoboy at grandma's house.  My cousin decided to show himself and bring the family drama.  SB and Superman came back with a splint on because even though it needed an actual cast the worthless excuse for a hospital wouldn't call an orthopedic doctor in on a holiday. They just wanted met to make sure my 6 year old autistic child held very still until after the weekend. Um, no way!
We left and went to Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus. I cannot express enough my amazement with this hospital.  They had him back in less than half and hour and seen casted and discharged in less than an hour.  They were flabbergasted that the other hospital didn't cast his arm.  Needless to say I'm thankful the holiday is over. Ha Ha
I hope your Thanksgiving was less eventful than mine.  Bring on Christmas!
Superboy all smiles about his cast

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